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To Isaiah

Chana Tova Isaiah,
You don't know me - I'm from the 21st century where we still have some queens and kings which we refer to as her (his) majesty: It reminds me of the time you "saw the LORD high and lifted up"; He to me is truly His Majesty - The LORD is The Majesty, "the King of kings and the Lord of lords." That's right GOD inspired you to write those words concerning Himself some 2800 yrs ago. Is'nt it awsesome to realize GOD is the same "yesterday, today and forever". He is still high and lifted up and still to this day when one truly sees our LORD the response is the same as yours, "I am a man of unclean lips and of a people of unclean lips." I to Isaiah seek daily to see my LORD with the eyes of my heart and when I see Him as He is the influence of His most powerful presence changes me. You were handed a most awesome mission to proclaim the destruction of Jerusalem by the hand of His judgement for the complete lack of honor given Him by His chosen people - Israel. What must people have thought of you and said to you as you traveled the promised land proclaiming judgement by GOD. Not a popular position to be in I would say but certainly an honor GOD bestowed upon you that lacks nothing in eternal richness.

David F. Bishop
Pennsylvania, USA.

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