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For Jeremiah

Jeremiah, I know you to be refered to in this 21st century as the 'weeping prophet'. I must tell you that the conotation of that label is not one of respect for the task your GOD had set you to.
To speak on behalf of your Creator and GOD must know doubt have seemed an honor you felt unworthy to wear. To receive the rejection of your people as you spoke the Word of the Almighty - the One and only true living GOD - is a rejection that I can relate to in a most minute manner, nonetheless, I can say to you that I know what it means to put your heart out for the LORD and receive negative or no response. It is my conviction, revealed to me by GOD Himself I believe, that when "the word of the LORD came to you of which you wrote in ch.4,9, and 10 concerning the pain you felt, you were in fact feeling and expressing GOD'S pain. Not to distract from your pained heart I would acknowledge by choice, that GOD Himself was so close to your heart that you felt His very own pain over the rejection He had for so many 100s of years felt from His most beloved people, the children of Jacob. I can only imagine when it is said,
"My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart makes a sound in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard oh my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war", (Oh how GOD loves His Israel), how much pain must have filled His heart, pain that you felt; pain over the very judgment He Himself must bring upon His firstborn. He saw the "destruction upon destruction" before He brought it in His "fury" upon "the daughter of His people". How did He say it? How did you bear it when He said He was "black" with sorrow, and "astonishment had taken hold" of Him. When He looked down the road and saw His "tabernacle spoiled", "all His "chords broken, His children gone from Him, and no one to stretch forth His curtains."? His "pastors had become brutish and ceased to seek the LORD.
If you indeed Jeremiah in your own heart felt this pain, such that it would drive our LORD to "lodge in the wilderness with wayfaring men in order that He might leave His people, and go from them", then I would say to you that you encourage me to such a closness with our Father that I to might feel His pain.
It does not surprize me that you wrote Lamentaion for truly if the infinite GOD would allow you to know the pain of His heart in your own heart, then no doubt it is something that could not and cannot be carried alone in the heart of a mere man, but must needs indeed be shared. GOD bless you dear Jeremish (or do you prefer Jeremie?), and I truly thank my GOD for you.
David F. Bishop
Pennsylvania, USA.

Cher David
merci pour votre lettre
mais vous savez nous ne donnons pas la meme interpretation aux souffrances de Jeremie.
Peut etre qu'il vous repondra pour vous le dire!

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